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Love Is Ain't Enough!

love-dialogueThoughts by Ahlem El Mezni

Someone told me once that I'm so dreamy and romantic and all that "shit" will run my life out, so I have to be a realist sometimes.

A few days after, we went into an arguing which ended with a broke up. I didn't ask or beg him to stay. I kept all that "shit" -as he said- behind my back, I opened him the door and let him go.

And this was the most realistic thing that I have ever done in my whole life.

I used to think that chemistry, love, and passion are all we need to make a relationship work. BUT, I was pretty wrong, unfortunately.

Couples who are not on the same level, who don't speak the same language, who don't have the same visions and who can not understand each other cannot make a rela-tionship succeed. How could we keep a person in our live who takes our dreams for granted? How could they love us if they don't know HOW to love us.

They may find us sexy, beautiful or whatever, but you know what is really sexy?
Real and deep conversations are sexy, understanding is sexy, believing in each other's potentials is sexy, knowing each other's worth is sexy.
Couples' Intimacy is not only about sex but also about being naked emotionally behind each other. It's sharing thoughts without boundaries without feeling ashamed. It's talking about everything and nothing.

Intimacy is ain't SEX.
Sexiness is ain't MATERIAL.
Daydreaming is ain't a SHIT.
Love is ain't ENOUGH.
Relationships are ain't EASY.

Ahlem El Mezni



Love Is Ain't Enough!