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Dont Fall In Love With Her

avoid-her-loveAhlem El Mezni

Don’t fall in love with her because she is the type you meet when you’re young only to regret when you’re older. If you mess it up she is the ones that haunt you with what if !

She is The lost love songs that suddenly start making sense. The what if that kill you late at night. The mistake you wish you could undo but you also learned so much from her..

Dont fall in love with her because she's learned a lot about life, the hard way, and she's always had to be the strong one In playing the role she doesn’t ask to. She learned to be her own best friend, she learned to love herself. She learned to be other people’s strength and when she felt like falling apart she carried others.

Don’t fall in love with her because she will love you so hard you don’t even know where it comes from or when it ends. If she trusts you enough to give you her heart, she will give you all of it holding nothing back.

She will be the type that walks into a room and your entire day will change just seeing her.

Don't fall in love with her because she will notice the smallest details and body language and tone changes. But If ever anything goes wrong she will blame herselves. She always blames herselves for things even when the fault isn’t her to keep.

Don’t fall in love with her because she might be nice to you but if ever you cross her she doesn’t forget and she doesn’t forgive you that easy.

Ahlem El Mezni

Dont Fall In Love With Her