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Wake me up when all the pain is over

fin-histoire-amoureuseBy Molka Ben Bey


Everything is over now.

Everything is over now , after all these hours spent together , all that laughter shared together , all these tears cried together .

Everything is over as if it never happened.

Life’s running as it usually and normally did .


The earth is still turning .

The sun rose , even though I expected it to keep in a sunset forever , in a ferocious bereavement for all we used to be , and all we could’ve been together .

The birds don’t show too much concern either ; they’re simply practicing their usual habits .

Habits after your departure are unexplainably  painful .

After all it’s nothing important but shreds of a sorrowful heart .

A living hope that used to reside in our minds has just left the world , leaving its place to an unhealable wound ..

The worst part is that nobody cares . only we know the bitterness of the situation .

They’re all treating you superficially , because no one of them really cares .

They probably assume that you’re okay just because you look okay .

They never thought that deep inside there’s a baby who’s bursting out loud .

No one will ever notice your hidden tears , except your pillow which will taste the savor of that immersing sorrow .

That’s why I decided to go to sleep ; and wake me up when all the pain is over .




Wake me up when all the pain is over