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Dear world , what have I done to you ?

suffocating-womanby Molka Ben Bey

Nobody likes weepy persons , who live pessimistically , who keep talking about their misfortune the whole day long , that you wish you were deaf when they’re around …

Has anybody ever thought of those who cannot cry at all ?

I suppose I’m one of them .

I grew up with two older  brothers , and overdose of masculine presence   shaped a special  femimine  character , with a vulgar attitude .

Since I was a child , I was taught that crying was a weakness , that a strong person never cries , that tears make us  look pathetic … 

And I grew older , unable to cry …

I kept pretending to be “strong “ , and I never thought I’m gonna , someday , regret being that strong …

They laughed at me ,  I didn’t cry .

they  teased me , and I didn’t cry .

they broke my heart and I  , also , didn’t cry …

I , now , started missing that feeling of relief you get after crying your heart out ..

A huge amount of accumulated  feelings has been hidden for so long , that it started to tighten up the grip around my neck ..

I’m suffocating , and all I need to do is to .. cry ….

Dear world , what have I done to you ?