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Doors are our choices..

choix-de-vieBy Cyrine Cheikhrouhou :

Life is like houses..

Sometimes,  we open the right door and sometimes we don't..

Sometimes,  we know the right door but we choose the wrong one..

Sometimes,  we don't know the right door so we just stay out..


Sometimes,  we have the keys but we don't use them because we are afraid from what we could discover..

DOORS.. my doors.. not sure yet or maybe I'm sure but I don't want to be sure..

Maybe I know the answer but I don't like it..

Maybe, who knows..

However,  we all know that doors are everywhere,  in each house; each country and each continent..

But, we don't know where is our door; or we dovknow but we lost him or brook him..

We don't know which one will be our last door; and which one is our next door..

So we have to live our present, respect and love the door we choose..

Doors are our choices..