She is just a girl

liberte-femmes-arabesSoumaya Rahmouni


She is a girl. Being a girl,is not an easy thing in an arab ‘ muslim’ world , she was torn between three major issues , being a ‘woman ‘, a ‘muslim’ or simply a human being.

To her , life is too deceitful , because it gives you freedom and chains you with ‘ people’ with whom you are obliged to live,not necessarily cope with, being in contact with others determines two opposite behaviours ; one to neglect in order to avoid ‘ headaches’ and to communicate in order to avoid ‘ solitude’.


How can she be ‘herself’ in a community that is fond of putting its nose in every thing but itself! Is it better to close ears or to face and explain to those who will never understand because they are faithful for habits , traditions that ‘ they appreciate in front of each other but hate within theirselves’ how can she explain and defend her humanity to ‘ hypocrites and liars ?

How can she rearrange this chaos in her mind after what she has discovered !  to discover that each term she learned before if fake and misleading !
How can she starts her life from the beginning differently but surrounded by the same boundries ?

She is just a girl