siwar bouabana

mythic-gardenSiwar Bouabana

It was that serene time when the last morsel was thrust down the throttles, the staid laughter was struck from the hearts. The consanguinity was not the only string that bounded them to the very same rickety walls. Hostage to the restless dream, they were all dying for a close glimpse of that mythic garden that had all the city wide-eyed in their sleepless nights, passing its intricate mystery through the prism of their endless speculations and writing down a history that fits perfectly the short insight of each.

With afire eyes, our little spies sneaked out of the window mere moments before the sky would lay its silver moon bare at full. Faraway, their tiny feet touched a bleak ground, staggered to a fallout three-tiered fountain centering white marble. As their eyes were wandering in the sprawling desert with its entangled herbicides that was longing for a long rain to quench the mourning over its old merry days.

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universe-thoughtsSiwar Bouabana

The stars were floating just like shimmering Crystal shards flying in the endless ocean of Blue. There was a flame of magic captured in each gleam ...

Everytime their spell haunts my spirit, a straggering thunderbolt roars tearing open a rift in the limitless sky, reminding me that this scattered moondust is merely millions of subtle beads years away from my reach cutting through the heavenly milky way farther hundreds of miles.

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